Out Patient Clinic
As a Speech-Language Pathologist by discipline, Tamatha has always enjoyed working with neurogenic population for communication and cognitive linguistic skills in addition to swallowing disorders. She has been working with the adult population for her entire career focusing on adult communication needs. Examples of etiologies associated with communication difficulties: degenerative disease, stroke and TBI rehabilitation. Tamatha can provide assessment and treatment for all motor speech, voice, language and cognitive linguistic communication deficits in a one on one setting with patient driven plans of care and goals.
Diagnosis and Treatment Of Swallowing Disorders
Swallowing Specialists of Central Ga, LLC uses advanced equipment to determine what is causing your swallowing difficulties and how they can be treated. Specific assessment and treatment modalities may include:
Clinical Swallowing Assessment evaluating the oral stage, cranial nerves, and neuromuscular physiology
Modified Barium Swallow (MBS) study or Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES)
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation to enhance use of traditional swallowing exercises for increased strength and range of motion
Referrals to ear, nose and throat specialists for assessment of vocal cord functioning or to a gastroenterologist physician for dilatation or endoscopy to assess esophageal motility
Referrals for Nutritional consult and diet education
Specialized Seating and Positioning
Written report to include interpretation of completed assessments, treatment plan and appropriate referrals
Development of a treatment plan of care that are specialized for each patient’s needs.
Swallowing exercises to improve strength and coordination
Special strategies or head positions to make swallowing safer and easier
Diet texture changes, such as thickening liquids or pureeing food